Pipe End Welding
Welding seam joint
When the grooves at end are jointed, the requirements and the criterions must be met. During welding, you must select the suitable welding method with welding parameters, welding rod, welding straightness meeting the requirements and criterions. The stringer bead must be even and consistent. The surface of welding seam must have no burnoff, flaw, lump, included slag and air hole.
Screw joint
When jointing, the process precision of the pipe screw must meet the norm. It must be clean and neat with broken and lost buckles less than 10% total buckles , fastened jointing , the exposed pipe screw not more than 2 buckles , anti-corrosion treatment and no exposed packaging at the joints.
Flange joint
When jointing, it should be parallelly and closely jointed and vertical to the central line of the pipe, consistent with the length of the exposed screw out of nut and not bigger that half diameter of the screw, nut at the same side of flange. The material of spacer must meet the requirements of design and the norm. Painting must be even with no missing paint and peel.
No seepage happens when passing over mediums.
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